Sade Kahve

WHAT: Typical Turkish Breakfast
Eating a copious breakfast with the Bosphorus at your side is an ideal plan for a long, weekend breakfast. Sade Kahve is just that; and although there are several "similar" locales along the waterfront, this remains one of the favourites - mainly for the food, which after all is the most critical factor here. This also explains however why the place is always jam packed. This together with the constant hullabaloo of valet parking going on in front, unfortunately make going there a rare occasion. Nevertheless, if you are either determined and patient (to handle the commotion and hack out the wait for a table), or have the chance of going on a week day morning (when it's a whole lot calmer), it's definitely worth a try.
Go as a group so you can share and feast on more of the classic Turkish breakfast dishes, prepared in the open kitchen at the entrance: tomatoes, olives and white cheese, 'simit' and a variety of 'tost', eggs in all forms, 'çiğ börek', 'gözleme', honey and 'kaymak'... More than enough to gleefully quash the ravenous morning monster in you.
OCCASION: Breakfast of course! From early hours to early afternoon.
ENVIRONMENT: Outdoor terrace with a very casual set-up of wooden chairs and tables on the seafront - though the main road running the length of the Bosphorus unfortunately lies between the sea and almost all sea-side locales/homes. So there is a view but it could be much better... however you do get that sea breeze feeling. Better for going in warmer weather as it does not have a proper indoor area - more like the outdoor gets sheltered so to say when it gets cold.
AMBIANCE: Lively and bustling with the excitement of hungry people. Always crowded and busy.
STYLE: Casual; as you feel comfortable.
LOCATION: Rumeli Hisarı, Istanbul